Northeast Treatment Free Beekeeping Conference Plus “What Bees Need” Every year Dean Stiglitz and Laurie Herboldsheimer of Golden Rule Honey host the Treatment Free Beekeeping conference in Leominster, MA. I just recently found out about this conference and this was my first time attending – I’m so glad I did. […]
Top Bar Hive Honey Harvest With Sam Comfort
Top Bar Hive Honey Harvest With Sam Comfort At the 2012 Treatment Free Beekeeper’s Conference in Leominster, MA, one of the things shown was a top bar hive honey harvest. After seeing this I was sold on top bar hives and had to have my own. Watch as Sam Comfort […]
Bees That Saved America
Bees That Saved America During the American War Of Independence, beekeeper Charity Crabtree was tending to her bee skeps when she came across a wounded soldier. He plead with her to take his horse and ride at once to General Washington and warn him English Lieutenant General Lord Cornwallis and […]
Mass Bee Field Day 2012
Mass Bee Field Day 2012 Every June the Mass Bee Association has a field day at the UMass Agronomy field. It is a gathering of local beekeeping experts who share their knowledge for free. There is so much to learn, a smoker contest and raffles, plus it’s always fun meeting […]
New Swarm Trap And Swarm Trapping
New Swarm Trap and Swarm Trapping The LetMBee Way A month or so ago, Jason from LetMBee mailed me one of his swarm traps to try out. It all started when Jason went on a beekeeping rant on his blog which covered many of his grievances on current beekeeping practices. […]
Neonicotinoids Harm Native Bees + Techniques In Queen Rearing – Mass Bee Spring Meeting 2012
Massachusetts Beekeepers spring meeting included talks on Queen Rearing and How Neonicotinoids Harm Native Bees A few weeks ago, I attended the Massachusetts Beekeepers Association spring meeting, hosted by Essex County Beekeepers Association. The highlights for me at these meetings are chatting with other beekeepers, learning tricks of the trade […]