
I Love My Bees And It’s A Good Thing

Because they would starve without me. For more than three weeks now the cup plant flowers have been in bloom.  There are hundreds of them in the wetlands behind my house.  Since these flowers are 40 feet or so from the hive, I thought they would be a great source […]

Duct Tape A Beekeeper’s Best Friend

And one who will save you in a pinch. During beekeeping class the instructors went over several important items to keep in your bee tool kit.  They mentioned things like a bee brush, or a feather, to move the bees out of the way when needed; a hive tool, an […]

Inspecting The Two Queen Hive System

And the flight of the bumble bee. Inspecting the hive in a two queen system is a bit complicated.  It is similar to opening two beehives at the same time and leaving them both open while you work.  It takes up more space then a normal hive inspection and makes […]

Processing Beeswax From Honeycomb

Cutting Comb Is A Sticky Gooey Mess, But Processing It Is Fun! After I cut the burr comb out of my hive, I was left with a sticky gooey mess.  There was honey leaking from my hive (which the bees fixed the next day) and a cookie sheet full of […]