
Plastic Foundation Is Banned From My Apiary

Plastic Foundation Is Banned From My Apiary It’s been a while since I have written about my “mean” hive Dandelion. My last update speaks for itself – “ERRRR!” 10 Bee Stings, Wacky Comb And A Mean Hive.  Despite their nasty attitude, I decided not to requeen and instead give this […]

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award Last weekend, Angi at Schneider Peeps left me a very nice comment mentioning that she nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you!  Angi writes a wonderful blog about her home and family life with her husband and 6 children.  Her blog covers books, beekeeping, […]

Bees That Saved America

Bees That Saved America During the American War Of Independence, beekeeper Charity Crabtree was tending to her bee skeps when she came across a wounded soldier.  He plead with her to take his horse and ride at once to General Washington and warn him English Lieutenant General Lord Cornwallis and […]

Mass Bee Field Day 2012

Mass Bee Field Day 2012 Every June the Mass Bee Association has a field day at the UMass Agronomy field.  It is a gathering of local beekeeping experts who share their knowledge for free. There is so much to learn, a smoker contest and raffles, plus it’s always fun meeting […]

New Swarm Trap And Swarm Trapping

New Swarm Trap and Swarm Trapping The LetMBee Way A month or so ago, Jason from LetMBee mailed me one of his swarm traps to try out.  It all started when Jason went on a beekeeping rant on his blog which covered many of his grievances on current beekeeping practices.  […]

Requeening – When A Queen Stops Laying

Requeening – When A Queen Stops Laying Brian’s hive Squill has been having Queen related issues from the get-go.   After installing the bees from a package, they did not accept their queen immediately.  Then finally caved and set her free.  The queen started laying with a beautiful brood pattern.  […]