Honey Bee Swarm Removal Massachusetts in May and June
Call us to save your unwanted honey bee swarm today at 978-778-8276.

Honey bee swarm season is here in MA! If you find a honey bee swarm or have bees in a tree or structure and live in Essex County, Middlesex County or Boston, MA you qualify for our Bee Swarm Removal Service. At Beverly Bees we take unwanted bees and relocate them to a location where they are wanted and will be cared for by a beekeeper. We can rescue any bee swarm up to 50 feet high. Honey bee swarms will be rescued in May and June! We also save bees living in a tree or structure for a fee. Call us to discuss 978-778-8276.
This past winter, approximately 80% of the bee colonies in Massachusetts died, according to the head apiary inspector. Honey bees pollinate 1/3 of the foods we eat and are vital to our survival, yet they are struggling to survive. Help us save the surviving honey bees by calling us to relocate them! To find out more about our bee removal service please visit Bee Swarm Removal Service. To learn more about bee swarms please see our page on Bee Swarms.
Call us to save your honey bee swarm today at 978-778-8276.
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