My New Wax Purifier And Hot Box
Several weeks ago Essex County Beekeepers Association held a workshop called building a Hot Box and Wax Purifier / Cleaner. One of the members of our club came up with the design and Brian went to the workshop to build it. When he brought the completed hot box home I was so impressed. It is just awesome! This little contraption takes wax from a solar wax melter and purifies it so it is clean enough to be used in candles and molds. In addition, it melts beeswax for candle making or any other purpose, liquefies crystallized honey in jars and warms up honey in the frame ever so slightly so it extracts easier in the fall when the temperatures are cold.
I’m so excited to use this wax purifier, I keep thinking of other things I could use it for until my wax is ready. After I put it to the test I will show you the results but for now you’ll have to wait.
If you are not involved in a bee club, a workshop like this is one reason (out of many) why you should join one. My club holds workshops to teach members new techniques and to help us build new beekeeping equipment. There are many experienced beekeepers there you can learn from, and beekeeping speakers and scientists who are brought in for meetings. In the summer the club has hive openings at member’s houses, which is always an excellent way to increase your beekeeping knowledge. Thanks Brian and ECBA for this great new beekeeping tool!