Beekeeper, Honeybee Aficionado, Doctor Who Lover, Always Experimenting ~ A Biologist, former State Bee Inspector, Filmmaker, Writer, Mother of 3
by Anita Deeley at
My name is Anita Deeley and I am the owner and beekeeper of Beverly Bees a sustainable, organic beekeeping and bee removal company. We offer turn key hive management services and sell our award winning raw honey, handmade beeswax candles, lip balms, lotions and salves. Our honey and honey comb won two 2019 Good Food Awards for taste and sustainable beekeeping practices.
I currently maintain approximately 100 honey bee hives. Since I started beekeeping I have been stung over 900 times! I am a biologist by training and worked as a Massachusetts State Bee Inspector for 6 years so I am an expert in honey bee health and disease. I have been featured in American Bee Journal, Hobby Farms and Grit Magazine. I love to share my enthusiasm about bees and run educational programs for beekeepers and others.
I started out in 2011 as a backyard beekeeper full of enthusiasm and trepidation with only a single hive on my rooftop. My passion and quest for beekeeping knowledge led me on an adventure across America that would change my path forever. You can read about this journey since day one here on my beekeeping blog.

On this website the bees are the stars. Through my beekeeping chronicles, photos and videos, I try to empower and support others in their beekeeping endeavors. I write How-To’s for Beginners and Advanced Beekeepers from Parts of A Bee Hive to How To Autopsy A Dead Bee Colony to How to Make A Candy Board For Winter Feeding and if you don’t want to make a candy board you can purchase one here. I travel to beekeeping conferences and seminars, visiting beekeepers across the country and share this new-found knowledge and beekeeping methods here. Want to learn about Treatment Free Beekeeping or Top Bar Hives, just click on the menu above. I love to experiment and try new things and share those ideas with readers. Just wondering what you can do to help save the bees? Try planting some bee friendly flowers for them to forage on, simply read how here.

Every beekeeper has their own way of doing things and every beehive has its own personality. I have 100 hives in backyards and businesses across Massachusetts, including rooftops! I use Langstroths and top bars, full size hives and nucs. Most of my bees come from swarms and bee removals, as well as selected mite resistant genetics brought in from other beekeepers’ bees.
In Massachusetts, I rescue wayward bee swarms and remove unwanted honeybee hives from houses. Through my Host A Hive program I teach non beekeepers about the importance of bees and just how amazing the honeybee is. Seasonally, I sell honey from my hives, beeswax candles, lip balms and lotions to local customers and at the Beverly Farmer’s Market.

Prior to becoming a beekeeper, I worked in pharmaceuticals and as a research scientist studying cell biology at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. I later become a video editor where I edited independent films, commercials and infomercials and traveled to film festivals across the country premiering a short film I directed and edited. When I’m not spending time with my girls (the bees), I enjoy watching Doctor Who and being a wife to my beekeeping cohort and husband and a mother to 3 little boys (the beekeepers in training). I have been the Recording Secretary and on the Board of Directors for the Essex County Beekeepers Association and Massachusetts Beekeepers Association, a member of Worcester County Beekeepers, Plymouth County Beekeepers, Eastern Apicultural Society and American Apitherapy Association.
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Anita Deeley Bio
Anita Deeley is a biologist, former state bee inspector and founder/CEO of Beverly Bees, a sustainable beekeeping and bee removal company located in Beverly, MA.
Beverly Bees makes award winning micro batch honey, handmade 100% pure beeswax candles and organic beeswax skin care from their organic and sustainably managed hives located in backyards across Massachusetts. They help bees by rescuing unwanted nuisance bees from buildings and trees, saving them from extermination. They rehabilitate, care for and maintain these hives in pesticide free locations. Starting with only one hive on a rooftop nine years ago, Anita has grown her bee business over 100 hives today. Beverly Bees honey and honey comb recently won two 2019 Good Food Awards for taste and sustainable beekeeping, for which there were over 2000 entries.
Prior to running Beverly Bees, Anita worked as a honey bee inspector for the state of Massachusetts educating beekeepers about the health of their bees and how to better manage them.She provided educational workshops and training on bee biology, health and disease as well as native pollinators and their habitat. She also helped develop the protocol for and performed pesticide inspections of honey bee kills and worked with the USDA to conduct honey bee health surveys. Anita managed a Massachusetts State Apiary location providing education on honey bee health, disease and management and beekeeping demonstrations for the public there.
As the queen bee at Beverly Bees Anita maintains her own stock of bees that she developed from feral colonies she rescued with select mite resistance genetics. Anita has been featured in the American Beekeeping Journal, Northshore Magazine, Edible Boston, Beverly Magazine, Hobby Farms, Grit Magazine, CBS 4 – It Happens Here and numerous news programs, newspaper articles and websites. She lives in Beverly, Massachusetts on her small bee friendly farm with her husband Brian, three sons, 18 chickens, Siamese cat and millions of honey bees.
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